this blog is not called finger food
i'm nothing if not a follower. especially not a leader. so now that just about everyone else has one it's just about the right time for me to get a weblog - or blog for short. OK, mostly it was dan's incessant pestering. this one's for you.
i'm not one with much to say worth paying attention to when i'm around people, so i have a difficult time imagining why someone would travel to this site to read what i'm babbling about. but then again, there i go checking on dan's and julia's and court's and even doug's "blogs" to see if they've updated them. i even get angry when julia (who i like to call the cause of all this nonsense) won't ever write in hers! but then again, they're all witty. i guess i'll have to learn to be witty.
one last thing. this blog is called "cayuga lake." a pretty uninspired, mundane name. let me tell you what happened. i was trying to come up with something clever, original, and appropriately vague and random while maintaining a degree of freshness. well, i came up with "finger food." surely, the merits of this choice are debatable, but at least it was something! nevertheless, it was taken - apparently by some crazy person. (though, one might argue that no one with their own "blog" is fully stable) anyway - i hope you all enjoy cayuga lake.
i feel so much better now that i've conformed.
i'm not one with much to say worth paying attention to when i'm around people, so i have a difficult time imagining why someone would travel to this site to read what i'm babbling about. but then again, there i go checking on dan's and julia's and court's and even doug's "blogs" to see if they've updated them. i even get angry when julia (who i like to call the cause of all this nonsense) won't ever write in hers! but then again, they're all witty. i guess i'll have to learn to be witty.
one last thing. this blog is called "cayuga lake." a pretty uninspired, mundane name. let me tell you what happened. i was trying to come up with something clever, original, and appropriately vague and random while maintaining a degree of freshness. well, i came up with "finger food." surely, the merits of this choice are debatable, but at least it was something! nevertheless, it was taken - apparently by some crazy person. (though, one might argue that no one with their own "blog" is fully stable) anyway - i hope you all enjoy cayuga lake.
i feel so much better now that i've conformed.
At 3:40 AM,
D the M said…
yay conor!
thank you for joining us. its gonna be a grand ride.
i like cayuga lake. it makes me think of a summer camp. i never had summer camps when i was a kid. they arent real big in southern california. we have these things called beaches. lots of kids just bum around there during the summer. the closest thing i had to summer camp was 6th grade camp. its a california or southern california thing. its basically summer camp, but only for a week, and in the middle of the school year. when i went i didnt poop for 5 days because there weren't any doors on the stalls. im glad i didnt have to spend the whole summer there. a week was uncomfortable. a summer would have resulted in some serious intestinal blockage, with potentially life threatening consequences.
well conor, im honored to be the first to set the tone for your blog. may the poo stories reign. or rain. damned homonyms. or is it homophone? i digress.
Conor, i hope to see a lot of ranting on this blog. pick an arbitrary point of view and defend it to death like you do so well. thats what i come here for.
At 11:45 AM,
Conor said…
first and only responder. i can't believe you found this so fast! i wasn't going to tell anyone... you impress me my friend.
At 2:05 AM,
Douglas Calhoun said…
Come on, I was a close second! Damn it, if I had my own computer this wouldn't happen. MOOMMMMM!!!!
At 1:18 PM,
over the shoulder said…
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At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
i never knew that blog was short for web-log. but that still doesnt make it cool. im not going to reveal my identity to you but you once knew and loved me.
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