Cayuga Lake

Friday, July 29, 2005

apparently, they're allowed to make shit up

as a citizen and servant to society, i find it valuable from time to time to pass along those things which i deem important. well, to that end i will share two things that changed my life this summer. in doing so i hope to enlighten and broaden the horizons of you, my fellow citizen. both of these items help to make me a more complete person... and after all, isn't that the point?

DISCLAIMER: These items are not to be confused with experiences such as living on the other side of the world for a few months, maintaining gardens in mississippi, or picking up and moving to some random city god-knows-where. Nonetheless, they are valuable - in a more subtle way.

1. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

i borrowed al franken's latest book-on-cd from the library. occasionally one will get involved in a book that they can't stop reading, or can't wait to pick up again... well this is one of those - but in my case by "reading" i mean "listening." franken details the mind-blowing hypocrisy and arrogance of many of today's conservative spokespeople - ann coulter, bill o'reilly, bernie goldberg, and rush limbaugh to name a few (though i understand limbaugh is more thoroughly stripped down in franken's earlier work rush limbaugh is a big fat idiot, and other observations). it's not possible to imagine the things he talks about without actually reading (or, of course, listening) his book - they are simply too unbelievable. oh, and not to mention, hilarious. the following are some of franken's chapter titles:
  • Ann Coulter: Nutcase
  • You know who I don't like? Ann Coulter
  • I bitch-slap Bernie Goldberg
  • I meet the former first lady Barbara Bush and it doesn't go so well
  • Fun with racism

in the book, franken attempts to discredit notable conservatives by giving examples that would cause one to question the merits of ANYTHING ANY OF THEM EVER SAID AGAIN. for example, ann coulter regularly misrepresents quotes, opinions, and facts of people. she does this intentionally, as evidenced by her endnotes (which she calls footnotes and are much less convenient and effective - unless you are trying to lie). coulter will take a quote from a book review in the new york times and attribute it to the "editorial opinion of the new york times." literally, what i'm saying is, if a reviewer writes describing a book saying,

"the author writes that President Bush is a racist ideologue with no regard for those who disagree,"

coulter will write, "the New York Times writes that George W. Bush is "a racist ideologue with no regard for those who disagree." i shit you not.

finally, franken comes to a conclusion about the president that i've not before considered, and one that i'm willing to agree with. but you'll have to read it to find out. or listen.

2. Crash

without a doubt, this is the best movie in quite some time. if you haven't seen it - please do. i will not go in to the details of it, except to say that it is an entire level above most movies i've ever seen. its understanding of humanity and the complexities therein is virtually unparalleled, and i feel better about myself for having seen it and appreciated it.


  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Douglas Calhoun said…

    1) Franken is hilarious, but sometimes I can't help but think that he is just as much off his rocker as Coulter. In the other direction of course. He is one angry, angry man.

    2) Crash, taken as a social commentary, was excellent. What I found even more impressive was the cinematography. Check out "City of God" and compare. Pretty amazing stuff

  • At 4:12 AM, Blogger D the M said…

    hi conor,
    i'm guessing you are going to check on your blog tomorrow (monday) and i thought you deserved another comment. so here she is. i very much enjoyed your post. the al franken reference took me back to my younger days of ultra liberalism when i read rush limbaugh is a big fat idiot. it was interesting, but i mostly just read it and left it laying around in the living room to piss off my sister, who at the time was toying with conservatism as a matter of rebellion.
    i have not yet seen crash, but i shall consider viewing it after your glowing recommendation.

    i made bread. im very proud still. it was quite a feat.

    remind me to tell you about the dream i had about my cat some time.

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Conor said…

    maybe it's just that i find "off one's rocker" in this direction to be less objectionable than in the other, but i really don't think franken should be grouped with coulter. i think the difference is motive. coulter's motive is coulter, whereas franken's is more for the general good - as he perceives it. coulter will do/say whatever she can to get attention and has clearly made some sort of horrible deal with some demon power to get the notoriety and publicity she has. franken is goofy looking, and i think that's why i like him.

    what i'm saying is, i think there are examples of liberal coulters (see Mike Malloy, Sam Seder, or even Michael Moore), but no one pretends that their "analyses" are anything more than entertainment. on the other hand, limbaugh, coulter, and the entire fox news team get seats among the mainstream analysts.

    also, i don't think franken tries to lie and trick people. coulter is pretty much evil, i.e. pact with demon


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